Consultation on the Albemarle Road traffic management scheme
2 March 2021
OurFinal Response to the “Traffic management on Albemarle Road and Westgate Road bridge” consultation
In response to the binary choice, we believe the trial should continue with the introduction of the following two amendments: –
(a) re-introduce two-way traffic on Albemarle Road between St George’s and Westgate Road whilst retaining the west to east segregated cycle lane and
(b) re-introduce two-way traffic onto Westgate Road bridge controlled by the addition of traffic lights (with timings to manage tidal flows) to avoid driver conflicts.
with a further review of the effectiveness of the scheme being carried out after six months of normal traffic conditions.
We make this choice because: -
- It is likely to produce an effective outcome;
- It is least likely to waste resources (and encourage further TfL funding in the future);
- It allows a proper assessment to be made of the scheme after a reasonable trial period; and,
- It supports the important principle of shifting transport modes towards more sustainable cycling and walking, which is ever more vital in view of climate change and health priorities.
Ravensbourne Valley Residents is a Residents’ Association in Shortlands comprising 500 subscribing households and covering an area of approximately 1500 households. This area neighbours the traffic management consultation area and many of our Members (est. 1000 individuals) and residents can be expected to use Albemarle Road, Westgate Road, and other surrounding roads.
Background to this response
We have been careful to ensure that the Society has undertaken a democratic approach to formulating our response to this consultation.
On the day (11th February) we were advised of the consultation, we tweeted about it to over 500 followers inviting our Members to express their views. This garnered a huge 2,960 ‘impressions’ and 354 ‘engagements’. We also posted all the documentation on our website. A draft response was prepared and published and again advertised via twitter (840 impressions, 78 engagements) seeking feedback from our Members. This final version takes into account responses received.
Consultation processAs much as it is important to answer the consultation questions themselves, we think there is a place to comment on the consultation process itself, as follows: -
- We are surprised that the consultation is being held at this time. This scheme is very new and, having only been completed in November, traffic flows have been anything but normal and there has simply been no time for the scheme to bed in for a period under normal conditions. As such, any attempt, at the present time, to assess the situation where removal of the scheme is a possibility, seems premature.
- We are not aware of any traffic measurement (speeds, number of vehicles/cyclists etc) that has been undertaken and therefore we again wonder how a well-founded, scientifically-based judgement can be made of the effectiveness of the traffic scheme, particularly when traffic flow has not been normal.
- Important context to this consultation would have been provided if mention had been made of the TfL active travel guidance issued in May 2020 and central government’s “Gear Change” document.
- We are surprised that the consultation is being presented as a binary choice. Respondents must choose either: -
“Re-introduce 2-way traffic on Albemarle Road between St Georges and Westgate Road whilst retaining the west to east segregated cycle lane
and (our emphasis)
Re-introduce 2-way traffic onto Westgate Road bridge controlled by the addition of traffic lights (with timings to manage tidal flows) to avoid driver conflicts.
Revert Albemarle Road and Westgate Road (bridge) to their pre-trial arrangements.”
It is not clear why respondents do not have the choice to select either a) and/or b) nor why they can’t vote to keep the current arrangements just as they are.
- The survey is silent about the cycle lanes in Bromley Road. It is not clear why this aspect of the recent traffic management changes is not part of the consultation nor whether they will be removed if the ‘Revert’ option is chosen.
- No indication or information has been given regarding cost. We understand that TfL funding is available for the traffic lights, but what about funding for the other changes?
What indeed about funding to revert to pre-trial arrangements? Surely this will have to be found from within existing Council budgets meaning that some other service will have to be cut. No cost/benefit analysis has been provided about this which makes it difficult to assess which course of action is most beneficial when viewed from the larger perspective.
Our Response
In response to the binary choice, we believe the trial should continue with the introduction of the following two amendments –
(a) re-introduce two-way traffic on Albemarle Road between St George’s and Westgate Road whilst retaining the west to east segregated cycle lane and
(b) re-introduce two-way traffic onto Westgate Road bridge controlled by the addition of traffic lights (with timings to manage tidal flows) to avoid driver conflicts.
with a further review of the effectiveness of the scheme being carried out after six months of normal traffic conditions.
We make this choice because: -
- It is likely to produce an effective outcome;
- It is least likely to waste resources (and encourage further TfL funding in the future);
- It allows a proper assessment to be made of the scheme after a reasonable trial period; and,
- It supports the important principle of shifting transport modes towards more sustainable cycling and walking, which is ever more vital in view of climate change and health priorities.
For Ravensbourne Valley Residents
2nd March 2021
We have just (11th Feb) received maps/plans and the following letter from the Council:-
Dear sirs
I am writing to you in your [sic]Ravensbourne Valley Preservation Society capacity.
The Council has written to approximately 3000 residents in the Albemarle Road area consulting on the Albemarle Road and Westgate Road traffic management changes. The results of this consultation will be presented to PDS Committee on the 11th March 2021. (Consultation on the cycle scheme at such an early stage was not the choice of Ward Members or the project team).
The consultation is about improving the cycle scheme or scrapping it completely. The Albemarle Road cycle scheme has enabled the Council to attract further TFL funding to install traffic signals on Westgate Road bridge. This will enable two way traffic across the bridge without nose to nose conflicts but also safe for cyclists who will have safety stop lines in front of motorists and priority. If implemented it will be the first stage of implementing a Bromley to Lower Sydenham cycle route.
The experimental cycle scheme on Albemarle will be amended to allow 2 -directional traffic between St Georges Road and Westgate Road, whilst retaining the segregated uphill cycle lane. Downhill cyclists will have priority cycling with the traffic. Traffic speeds should be reduced by narrower carriageways. (Speeding motorists was a regular complaint from residents prior to the changes). East of Westgate Road the scheme will remain the same.
If residents vote to scrap the changes completely, Westgate Road is unlikely to have traffic signals in the near future. It is also unlikely that TFL will be granting any funding for cycle infrastructure between Bromley and Lower Sydenham.
The comments of you residents association are welcome and will be included in a consultation summary. If you wish to discuss the matter further please feel free to contact me.
We would be grateful to hear from members their views about this - please forward any comments to