November 2013
We do not have any current projects but would be very interested to hear any suggestions. Please contact our Chairman.

Historic Information

New Bench in Summer House Field next to the river and cycle path
We are delighted to announce that a new bench, paid for by RVPS has just been installed in Summer House Field. Thanks go to our former Planning Officer, Leslie Tucker for organising this.

Warren Avenue Playing Fields
For some time we have been trying to get many more trees planted in this park to replace trees which have died. Seven trees were recently planted and we have just heard from Lewisham that they have agreed a budget to purchase a further 9 or 10 trees so that all the gaps around the edge of the field will be filled up. These should be planted imminently ( at 12 December).Well done to Brian Atkinson for bringing this about.

Valley Primary School
We are very pleased to record that our donation to Valley School has been put to good use. The picture shows the school's restored natural pond which is fed by a spring on the hillside. We contributed several hundred pounds to assist with this project including the purchase of many aquatic plants. Unfortunately these do not yet show in the picture!