Update – 21 July 2020

The new planning application, ref. No. 20/01833/FULL6, for a part one/two storey rear extension, loft conversion with side and flank dormers and a raised front gable with elevational changes, which purports to be a revision of the previously approved application DC/19/03715/FULL6 at Hillary Mount, Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HH, has been permitted.

The delegation report and decision are available.

It is considered that the development in the manner proposed is acceptable in that it would not result in a significant loss of amenity to local residents, and would preserve the characteristics and appearance of the host dwelling and the wider Downs Hill Conservation Area within which it lies. It would also not result in any adverse impact to trees within the site, subject to appropriate conditions. The application is therefore considered to accord with the overarching aims and objectives of Policies 6, 8, 37, 41, 43 and 73 of the Bromley Local Plan and Policies 7.4, 7.6, 7.8 and 7.21 of the London Plan.

Update – 11 June 2020

A new planning application, ref. No. 20/01833/FULL6, for a part one/two storey rear extension, loft conversion with side and flank dormers and a raised front gable with elevational changes purports to be a revision of the previously approved application DC/19/03715/FULL6 at Hillary Mount, Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HH.

As you can see from the design and access statement, the proposed minor alterations to Hillary Mount consider the size, position, design and appearance of the existing dwelling and have been discreetly and carefully designed so as hopefully not to have a detrimental affect on the surrounding area and neighbouring buildings. Related, referenced policy documents have been considered and the proposed external refurbishment works are said to have a positive impact on what they call “a tired building”. In line with the previously approved application the small additional rear extension continues to respect the character of the local area.

The neighbour consultation expiry date is Thursday 25 June 2020.

Update – 14 November 2019
The planning application, ref. No. 19/03715/FULL6for a part one/two storey rear extension, side and flank dormers together with elevational alterations at Hillary Mount, Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HH, has been permitted. The delegation report and decision are available.

The Advisory Panel for Conservation Areas (APCA) raised an objection to the external alterations which are out of character and detriment of the conservation area in particular the proportions and design of windows, cladding and changing proportion all of which are harmful to the architectural integrity of this very characterful building in the woodland setting.

However, it is considered that the proposed single storey side extension would be acceptable in that it would not materially harm the character or appearance of the host building, street scene or Downs Hill Conservation Area generally.

Hillary Mount, Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HH – 19 September 2019

Photograph of front (street) elevation of Hilary Mount

A planning application, ref. No. 19/03715/FULL6, has been made for a part one/two storey rear extension, side and flank dormers together with elevational alterations at Hillary Mount, Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HH. The following documents are available:

  • Acknowledgement Letter 
  • Location and site plan
  • Design and access statement
  • Second floor and roof plans as existing
  • Elevations as existing
  • Sections as existing
  • Site plan as existing
  • Site plan as proposed
  • Tree survey or arboricultural implications
  • Application form - without personal data
  • Ground floor and first floor plans as proposed
  • Second floor and roof plans as proposed
  • Elevations as proposed
  • Sections as proposed
  • Ground and first floor plans as existing
  • The location plan

As you can see from the design and access statement, the property is a two-storey detached house within substantial grounds located within the Downs Hill Conservation Area. The exterior of the building is white painted render at the ground floor and a dilapidated Waney Edge timber cladding at first floor level. Existing windows are single glazed and in poor state of repair – many have cracks and/or are unable to be closed properly.

The front of the property features a two storey white rendered entrance with gable. This includes a beautiful tall stained glass window which is in a poor state of repair.

The proposal is for existing dilapidated and damaged single glazed windows to be replaced with double glazed windows with timber/metal frames. The existing stained glass window is dilapidated and not secure. The proposal seeks to retain the opening and replace with a sensitively detailed timber/metal framed double glazed window.

The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 9 October 2019.