Update – 13 January 2018

Front elevation

The appeal against the refusal of the outline application at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 has been allowed. Outline planning permission is granted for demolition of the existing property and the erection of 3 townhouses, comprising 2 three-bedroom townhouses and 1 four-bedroom townhouse with car parking and garaging, in accordance with the terms of the application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUTdated 15 May 2017, subject to the attached schedule of conditions.

The government is seeking to significantly boost the supply of housing and requires applications for housing development to be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. The inspector has concluded that the proposal would not be harmful to the character and appearance of the area and in this respect would comply with the requirements of the development plan. Notwithstanding the concerns of members, neighbours and other local residents, she is also satisfied that, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions, there are no other matters which would cause the scheme to fail.

See the cover letter to Helen Jordaney dated 10 January 2018 and decision.

Update – 30 October 2017
Details of the appeal against the refused outline application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUT, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a three-storey terrace comprising 2 three-bedroom and 1 four-bedroom houses with integral garages, access on to Madeira Avenue and associated landscaping at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS now exist at the Planning Inspectorate. Interested party comments are due by 13 November 2017.

Update – 10 October 2017
The appeal against the refusal of the outline application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUT, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a three-storey terrace comprising 2 three-bedroom and 1 four-bedroom houses with integral garages, access on to Madeira Avenue and associated landscaping at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS is in progress. The start letter is available.

The appellant(s) must send the following documents within this timetable:

  • 16 October 2017
    The appellant must notify any person who was notified or consulted about the application in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or a development order and any other interested persons who made representations to them about the application, that the appeal has been made.

  • 13 November 2017
    The appellant must send their statement of case if the appeal questionnaire does not give full details of their case. They must include a list of any conditions or limitations they would agree to, if the appeal were to be allowed.

  • 27 November 2017
    The appellant must send any final comments they have on their statement. They may comment on any representations received from interested persons or organisations. No new evidence is allowed at this stage.

Update – 31 August 2017
An appeal has been made against the refusal of the outline application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUT, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a three-storey terrace comprising 2 three-bedroom and 1 four-bedroom houses with integral garages, access on to Madeira Avenue and associated landscaping at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS.

Conclusions in the appellant’s statement of case are stated as follows:

  • This is a development proposal that has been carefully prepared to reflect the proportions of the existing dwelling on the site, those of the neighbouring properties and others on the eastern side of Madeira Avenue. It aims to make effective use of the unusual local topography and to optimise the development potential of the site consistent with the character and context of its surroundings. The series of photographs and referenced properties set out in this Statement confirm that a building that fits well within the streetscene and reflects the character of the area, providing three town houses on the site, can be satisfactorily accommodated.

  • The application is in outline with only access and layout to be determined at this stage. The plot-led form of development with individual driveway access to Madeira Avenue is consistent with other development along the road.

  • The building footprint to be approved conforms to the existing front building line, leaves more than minimum side space and the limited extension behind the rear building line does not have a prominent or intrusive impact upon the streetscene or unduly harm the amenities of neighouring [sic] property.

  • The illustrative drawings show one way that the proposed dwellings can be accommodated on site in terms of a height and massing that reflect the existing dwelling and other buildings on this side of Madeira Avenue. However, these drawings are not prescriptive of the final design of the building in terms of scale, appearance and landscaping - each of which will require to be approved as reserved matters.

  • The proposal is supported by the Council's professional Planning Officers and there is no objection raised by statutory consultees. The extensive areas of agreement, outwith the reason for refusal, are set out in the accompanying Draft Statement of Common Ground.

  • The narrow area of disagreement raised by the reason for refusal has been carefully appraised and assessed in this statement. The Council's claim that the proposed development would be out of character with the prevailing pattern of development, relate poorly to its immediate surroundings and therefore be harmful to the visual amenities of the streetscene and the character of the area, is misconceived. This Statement demonstrates that the Council's position is not supported by any objective application of spatial standards or comparison with existing development along the eastern side of Madeira Avenue.

  • As set out in this Statement it is the Appellant's position that their proposed development conforms to the criteria set out in the relevant development plan policies and it provides further family housing at a density at the low end of the range expected by the policies of the development plan. It therefore is in accordance with the development plan. It is also in compliance with the policies of the [National Planning Policy] Framework, viewed as a whole. In these circumstances planning law requires that planning consent should be granted because there are no material considerations that indicate otherwise.

  • In the alternative, the application should be determined in the context of the fourth bullet point in Paragraph 14 of the Framework. Planning consent should be granted unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably, outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework viewed as a whole. The adverse impacts alleged by the Council Members are demonstrated by the analysis set out in this Statement to be merely vague, generalised and inaccurate assertions about the impact of the proposed dwelling that are unsupported by objective assessment.

  • There are extensive Economic, Social and Environmental benefits arising from the proposed development and the main ones are identified [in the appellant’s statement of case]. These benefits outweigh any adverse impacts identified in this case, particularly in the context of the "tilted" balancing operation required by Paragraph 14 of the Framework. This is a sustainable development proposal which should have been welcomed and approved by Council Members, in accordance with the recommendation of their Officers.

  • The Inspector is therefore respectfully requested to allow this appeal and grant outline planning permission for the development subject to conditions that, inter alia, require the submission and approval of reserved matters of scale, appearance and landscaping.

The following documents are available:

Update – 8 August 2017
The outline application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUT, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a three-storey terrace comprising 2 three-bedroom and 1 four-bedroom houses with integral garages, access on to Madeira Avenue and associated landscaping at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS has been refused. The decision is now available.

The proposal would represent a cramped overdevelopment of the site which would be out of character with the prevailing pattern of development and relate poorly to its immediate surroundings, therefore harmful to the visual amenities of the streetscene and the character of the area. Therefore, the proposal would be contrary to Policies H7 and BE1 of the Bromley Unitary Development Plan (2006), Policy 3.5 and 7.4 of the London Plan and Section 7 of the National Planning policy Framework (NPPF).

Update – 3 August 2017
The planning sub-committee this evening refused permission for the new outline application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUT, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a three-storey terrace comprising 2 three-bedroom and 1 four-bedroom townhouses with integral garages, access on to Madeira Avenue and associated landscaping at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley. We would like to recognise that Cllr. Rutherford spoke on behalf of residents, which undoubtedly helped.

However, the matter could well go to appeal, or a new revised (i.e. probably slightly smaller) application could be submitted.

Update – 26 July 2017
The new outline application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUT, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a three-storey terrace comprising 2 three-bedroom and 1 four-bedroom townhouses with integral garages, access on to Madeira Avenue and associated landscaping at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS is pending decision. It will be discussed at a planning sub-committee on 3 August 2017.

Permission has been recommended (see the report for the meeting), but the committee frequently does not follow recommendations. Anyone wanting to speak at the meeting (particularly those most affected) should read this to find out what to do.

100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley - 4 July 2017
Some time ago there was a planning application to build a terrace of houses at 100 and 102 Madeira Avenue which, after a great deal of effort, we managed to defeat. This was substantially due to there being a large groundswell of opinion which was opposed to it.

A new outline application, ref. No. 17/02290/OUT, has now been made for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a three-storey terrace comprising 2 three-bedroom and 1 four-bedroom townhouses with integral garages, access on to Madeira Avenue and associated landscaping at 100 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS.

Design and Access Statement is available. The standard consultation expiry date is Thursday 20 July 2017.

Car parking is provided in front of the dwellings and includes an integral garage. Two parking spaces have been provided for each property. Mrs Donna Griffin of 51 Madeira Avenue Bromley has already objected, saying:

Whilst there is a garage on the plans there doesn't seem much space for parking in front which would mean more cars on the road being parked and currently it is difficult to get parking outside my own home without you adding three more families with the possibility of three – six more cars. With their [sic] being dropped curb as well outside the new homes that takes more parking spaces in a very crowded street.

The building is unique and would lose character to the neighbourhood.

The building works that were started at the end of Madeira Avenue caused a huge amount of disruption to the road with more traffic being diverted and lorries coming down a narrow road, for three houses in a space of land which would have to be dig out would indicate a lot of building works and time and disruption.

Residents are are suffering a degree of inconvenience from the development of nearby 74 Madeira Avenue. At the current time, RVPS is considering this application, but we will also be discussing it at our forthcoming meeting on Thursday 6 July 2017 at 8.00 p.m. at the Bromley Court Hotel.