Roads and Transport

20 January 2015

Working together with Shortland Residents Association, our 'Roads Working Party' has produced the following documents containing proposals to improve the traffic situation in Shortlands Village.

In particular, we should be grateful if all members  complete our incident form if they see any traffic collision as this will help provide data as to where the problems actually are.

Road-Safety-Incident-Recording-Form.docx Road-Safety-Incident-Recording-Form.docx
Size : 13.664 Kb
Type : docx
SRA-and-RVR-Station-Junctions-v5-29Nov24.pdf SRA-and-RVR-Station-Junctions-v5-29Nov24.pdf
Size : 454.646 Kb
Type : pdf
SRA-RVR-Speeding-Overview-29Nov24.docx SRA-RVR-Speeding-Overview-29Nov24.docx
Size : 2061.155 Kb
Type : docx
SRA-and-RVR-Speeding-v5-29Nov24-2-1.pdf SRA-and-RVR-Speeding-v5-29Nov24-2-1.pdf
Size : 1140.575 Kb
Type : pdf
13 January 2023

Discussions are ongoing about the benefits of a Ravensbourne Valley Quiet Scheme - see details here including traffic surveys and extensive background information on the proposal, the, scale of the problem, the benefits such as scheme could bring, and how it could be implemented.