Update  15 February 2017
In the decision refusing the application, reference number 15/01031, it was said the proposed development, by reason of its bulk and design, would result in a harmful overbearing feature, out of character with the surrounding area.

However, the applicants went to appeal on 31 March 2016 and won. The Appeal Decision dated 6 July 2016 is available (it is not clear why this has not come to light before).

The inspector believes that there is no particular townscape reason why the proposal should be similar in style to the existing, provided the design itself is of good quality and is appropriate to the area. In that respect a contemporary design approach would be adopted, which whilst being different to its neighbours, would complement them through the use of materials used in the vicinity with regard to brick type and timber boarding. The overall appearance would not be over dominant, particularly in relation to the 2 storey terrace opposite. Additionally, the proposed articulation and set back on the south west corner, would help to provide an acceptable transition in scale to the 2 storey housing in Ravensmead Road to the south. The intervening footpath would also help in that respect.

Although there would be a greater area of built form than is currently the case, the majority of the site area is currently hard surfaced in the form of a road access and parking area and does not contribute to the quality of open space found elsewhere on the estate. The area of green open space directly opposite would be retained, apart from the addition of the relocated sub-station, and there would be additional landscaping at the front, between the parking spaces, which would soften the expanse of hard surfacing which exists at present. Given the current poor visual appearance of the site, he considers that in overall terms the proposed development would make a positive visual contribution at the entrance to the estate and with a high quality and bold design approach.

Thus he believes the character and appearance of the area would not be harmed. The proposed development would therefore comply with Policies BE1 and H7 of the Council’s UDP in that it would provide a high standard of design and layout and would meet the detailed design criteria set out within those policies.

Update  23 December 2015
The decision refusing the application
, reference number 15/01031, is now available. The proposed development, by reason of its bulk and design, would result in a harmful overbearing feature, out of character with the surrounding area.

Update  20 December 2015
According to the printed decisions of the meeting of Plans Sub-Committee No. 4 held on Thursday 17 December 2015, the application
, reference number 15/01031, has been refused. The application was for the demolition of a derelict shop to create eight new apartments at 2 Riverpark Gardens, Bromley BR2 0BQ. Cllr. Michael Rutherford has indicated that he was pleased to have joined residents and the Ravensbourne Valley Preservation Society in successfully opposing the plan. The density was apparently greater than the maximum allowed. 

Update  28 November 2015
The following substantive documents are now available on the application, reference number 15/01031, for the demolition of a derelict shop with disused flat above and three unused garages to create eight new apartments, associated hard and soft landscaping and the relocation of an electricity sub-station at 2 Riverpark Gardens, Bromley BR2 0BQ:

Update  19 April 2015
A formal application, reference number 15/01031, has now been submitted for the demolition of a derelict shop with disused flat above and three unused garages to create eight new apartments, associated hard and soft landscaping and the relocation of an electricity sub-station at 2 Riverpark Gardens, Bromley BR2 0BQ. The following substantive documents are available:
2–4 Riverpark Gardens, Bromley  28 November 2014
We have recently learned of an intention to knock down this property (which in part comprises the old boarded-up shop) and replace it with a block of flats.

View from the junction of Ravensmead Road and Riverpark Gardens

The plans are now available, and Phoenix Community Housing say:

There is a major shortage of affordable housing in Bromley, across London and other parts of the country. Phoenix has been looking at how we can help to tackle this problem by building new homes.

We are currently exploring options to build new homes on the site of 2-4 Riverpark Gardens in Bromley, BR2. 

Our proposals are at a very early stage but they:
  • would provide high quality affordable homes for local people
  • would not affect your existing home or rent
  • would mean the area around Riverpark Gardens will be improved.
If the plans do go ahead, building works would start on the new homes in June 2015 at the earliest.

A formal planning application has not yet been submitted to Bromley Council, and so we recommend residents do not write to the council until such times as it has. However, residents may wish to e-mail karl.phillips@phoenixch.org.uk, who is the Officer at Phoenix Community Housing overseeing this project, with their views now. We would also be interested to hear your views at planning.rvps@outlook.com