The proposed fence, by reason of its height, siting and solid form would impact on sightlines and visibility splays and would result in conditions prejudicial to the safety of pedestrians and other road users, thereby contrary to Policy T18 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006).The cumulative impact of the height, siting and solid form of the proposed side boundary fence, would result in an overly prominent and visually intrusive enclosure of the site, giving rise to an erosion of the open nature of the area and causing adverse harm to the character and appearance of the streetscene, thereby contrary to Policy BE7 of the Unitary Development Plan (2006).
The planning application, ref. No. 18/02574/FULL6, for a single storey side extension at 2 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF, amended by documents filed on 28 June 2018 and 3 July 2018, has been permitted. The delegation report and decision are available.
- The applicant has made plain his desire to utilise the open plan aspect of his property, ideally in the form of a house extension or at least a fenced garden area.
- His current fencing arrangement has totally enclosed the open plan garden (designed and sold by George Wimpey in 1972), destroyed a low retaining wall which marked the green way through to Ullswater Close and generally spoilt the elegant curve of the Coniston Road terrace.
- The latest application for a single storey extension is merely a ploy to get some [sic] house extension into being. He is determined to do whatever he thinks will enhance the value of his plot, at the expense of his neighbours in terms of the aesthetics of the locality.
- Existing & proposed ground floor plan
- Existing & proposed roof plan
- Existing & proposed elevations
- Site location plan
- Existing & proposed site plan
- Existing & proposed front & south west elevations
- Application form - without personal data
- Arboricultural impact assessment
The delegation report and decision are now available on the refused application, ref. No. 18/00210/FULL6, for a two-storey side extension at 2 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF.
The application, ref. No. 18/00210/FULL6, for a two-storey side extension at 2 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF has been refused.
An application, ref. No. 18/00210/FULL6, has been made for a two-storey side extension at 2 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF. The following are available:
- Existing/proposed site plan
- Existing/proposed second floor plan
- Existing/proposed elevations 02
- Existing/proposed ground floor plan
- Existing/proposed elevations 01
- Existing/proposed first floor plan
- A summary of the attachments in the proposal
- Application form - without personal data
- Location plan
A neighbour, Miss Charlotte Goodfellow, has already objected to the proposed development for the following reasons:
The site plan is misleading, the proposed development relies almost entirely on siting of the fence which separates the property from Coniston Road being on the boundary line, rather than where the fence was sited when the property was originally constructed. The re-location of this fence to the boundary line was the subject of Planning Application ref: 16/03372/FULL6 which was rejected under delegated powers by Bromley Council on 8th September 2016. The proposed development should be dismissed for this reason alone.
I live at number 125 Coniston Road, which is the property shown on both the existing and proposed site plans. What isn't shown on these plans is the location of the windows on my property. Clearly when these properties were originally built 2 Ullswater Close was situated in that position so that there would be no mutual overlooking issues. With the proposed development there is clearly an issue in that windows on the first floor will allow a direct line of site into our first floor master bedroom, whilst I accept that these are designated as windows for a wardrobe and bathroom, the application makes no mention as to whether these are to be obscured glazing, and sets a precedent were there to be any future layout changes on this floor. The other overlooking issue raised by this proposal is that from our master bedroom there [will] be a direct line of site between the first floor master bedroom at 125 Coniston and the large ground floor living area that is to be created and to be fitted with large glazed bi-fold doors. This will create not only further issues for us in terms of privacy for our bedroom, but also any future inhabitants of 2 Ullswater who will have to deal with overlooking of their living area.
Finally, 2 Ullswater Close is located on a prominent corner plot on Coniston Road, which was accepted by the council in their refusal of Planning Application ref: 16/03372/FULL6 as "an open area". The bulk of this proposed extension and its proximity to Coniston Road would be out of keeping with the area, dominating the corner, and adding nothing but a very bland brick elevation of no architectural merit which will serve to erode the feeling of openness which categorises the road. Whilst 1 Ullswater Close has had a similar extension added in the past this should not set a precedent for approval as that site is far less prominent and relevant to the street scene.
The standard consultation expiry date is Tuesday 27 February 2018.