Update - 14 April 2021
The appeal on the planning application, ref. No. DC/19/112020, has been dismissed. This is for the demolition of 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL and construction of a one-storey building and 3 two-storey buildings comprising 3 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom self-contained flats, and 1 one-bedroom house, together with the provision of 2 parking spaces, cycle spaces and landscaping. The scheme would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety and would harm the living conditions of the occupiers of neighbouring properties. Although the scheme would make a positive contribution to the housing supply in the area, this does not outweigh the harm identified,

The planning application, ref. No. DC/20/118150, has been withdrawn. It was for the construction of a single-storey rear extension and additional storey in connection with the alteration and conversion to provide 2 three-bedroom dwelling houses, together with raising the roof of the existing rear gable, alterations to the elevations and provision of bin and bike stores, at 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL.

Update - 14 October 2020
An appeal has been received on the planning application, ref. No. DC/19/112020, for the demolition of 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL and construction of a one-storey building and 3 two-storey buildings comprising 3 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom self-contained flats, and 1 one-bedroom house, together with the provision of 2 parking spaces, cycle spaces and landscaping. See for example the appeal start letter, grounds of appeal statement and appeal technical note [attached].

The appellants –
  • request that the inspector accepts the revised plans which have been prepared to address reasons for refusal 2 and 3; and
  • have included a rebuttal statement from transport consultants Systra addressing the matters set out in reason for refusal 1, concluding that the condition of Hillbrow Road does not have an adverse effect on the movement and/or safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
Any additional comments by a person who was notified or consulted about the application must be submitted by 16 November 2020.

 - 1 October 2020
No objection has been raised by the London Borough of Bromley following a consultation by the London Borough of Lewisham on the construction of a single storey rear extension and additional storey in connection with the alteration and conversion to provide 2 three-bedroom dwelling houses, together with raising the roof of the existing rear gable, alterations to the elevations and provision of bin and bike stores, at 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL. The delegation report and decision are available.

There was a single objection by a resident of the London Borough of Bromley that there is only one existing parking space, and the proposal would provide insufficient parking, which would exacerbate existing on-street parking issues. However, on the basis of the submitted application details, Bromley Borough Council does not object to the proposal as it would not have a significantly harmful impact on the street scene, adverse impacts on the residential amenities of neighbouring properties, or harmful highway and parking conditions within the London Borough of Bromley.

Update - 15 September 2020
A planning application, ref. No. DC/20/118150, has been made for the construction of a single-storey rear extension and additional storey in connection with the alteration and conversion to provide 2 three-bedroom dwelling houses, together with raising the roof of the existing rear gable, alterations to the elevations and provision of bin and bike stores, at 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL.

The design and access statement is available. It is proposed to construct a rear extension and an additional storey to the property resulting in the formation of two residential units.

The London Borough of Bromley has announced a consultation by the London Borough of Lewisham on the planning application. The standard consultation expiry date is Tuesday 6 October 2020.

Update - 30 July 2020
The planning application, ref. No. DC/20/116834, has been granted. It relates to a Lawful Development Cetificate [sic] (Proposed) in respect of the contruction [sic] of a single storey extension to the rear, and a rear roof slope extension to 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL, together with the instalation [sic] of 2 rooflights to the front roof slope.

The decision is available.

Update - 8 June 2020
A planning application, ref. No. DC/20/116834, has been made for a Lawful Development Cetificate [sic] (Proposed) in respect of the contruction [sic] of a single storey extension to the rear, and a rear roof slope extension to 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL, together with the instalation [sic] of 2 rooflights to the front roof slope.

The following documents are available:
  • Proposed ground floor plan
  • Proposed elevatons [sic]
Update - 26 May 2020
The planning application, ref. No. DC/19/112020, for the demolition of 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL and construction of a one-storey building and 3 two-storey buildings comprising 3 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom self-contained flats, and 1 one-bedroom house, together with the provision of 2 parking spaces, cycle spaces and landscaping, has been refused. The decision is available.
  1.  The proposed development would fail to ensure a safe and convenient route for pedestrians to the application site that would be accessible to all users, resulting in potential conflict with vehicle manoeuvring that would significantly further exacerbate existing prejudicial conditions to highway safety on Hillbrow Road, contrary to Paragraphs 108 and 109 of The National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Policy 7.2 An Inclusive Environment of The London Plan (2016), Policy 14: Sustainable Movement & Transport of the Core Strategy (2011) and DM32: Housing design layout and space standards, DM33: Development on infill sites, backland sites, back gardens and amenity areas of the Development Management Local Plan (2014).

  2. The proposed development would not be accessible to all users, due to a lack of step free access to any of the dwellings, contrary to Policy 3.8 Housing Choice, Policy 7.2 An Inclusive Environment and the Mayor’s Housing SPG of the London Plan (2016), Policy 1: Housing provision mix and affordability of the Lewisham Core Strategy (2011) and DM32 Housing design layout and space standards of the Development Management Local Plan (2014).

  3. The proposed first floor balcony to Unit 5 would give rise to a harmful level of overlooking into the rear garden of No.28 Hillbrow Road, contrary to Paragraph 127 of the National Panning Policy Framework (2019), Policy 15: High quality design of the Lewisham Core Strategy (2011), and Policy DM32: Housing design layout and space standards of the Development Management Local Plan (2014).
Update - 11 August 2019
The OnTheMarket and Propertylink sites advertise at 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL:

An opportunity to acquire a freehold development site to be sold with planning permission for the demolition of an existing bungalow, and erection of a contemporary scheme comprising 6 modern new build apartments and provision of 2 car parking spaces. The scheme has been designed across four blocks providing good separation, distance and privacy for future residential occupants. The property is currently in planning with Lewisham Council with a decision expected in August/September 2019. The application is policy compliant and expected to go to committee with an officers recommendation for approval. Our clients are therefore seeking offers subject to grant of planning permission.

See the brochure from Acorn Limited, apparently dated 2016.

Update - 15 June 2019
The delegation report and decision are available on Bromley planning application ref. No. 19/02144/ADJ. This is the adjoining authority consultation by Lewisham Council on the planning application for the demolition of 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL and construction of a one-storey building and 3 two-storey buildings comprising 3 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom self-contained flats, and 1 one-bedroom house, together with the provision of 2 parking spaces, cycle spaces and landscaping.

On the basis of the submitted application details, Bromley Borough Council objects to the proposal, as it would lead to an overdevelopment of the site and a harmful impact on the street scene and a shortage of on-site parking leading to additionally harmful on-street parking and adverse impacts on the residential amenities of neighbouring properties within the London Borough of Bromley. The London Borough of Bromley is not the determining authority, and it is for Lewisham Borough Council to conclude on these matters insofar as they affect land and properties in Lewisham. 

Thus the London Borough of Bromley has raised objections to the development.

26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley - 28 May 2019
View from the entrance to the units

A planning application, ref. No. DC/19/112020, has been made for the demolition of 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL and construction of a one-storey building and 3 two-storey buildings comprising 3 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom self-contained flats, and 1 one-bedroom house, together with the provision of 2 parking spaces, cycle spaces and landscaping.

The following documents are available:
  • North-east elevations, north west elevations
  • North-east elevations, north west elevations
  • South east / south west elevations
  • Existing ground floor plan
  • Block plan
  • North east / south west elevations
  • Sections / elevations
  • Application form
  • Transport statement [five documents]
  • Daylight and sunlight
  • Site location plan
  • Proposed ground floor plan
  • Proposed first floor plan
  • Proposed roof plan
  • Section CC
  • Design and access statement
  • Planning statement
  • Site plan
  • Existing roof plan
  • Existing elevations
  • Daylight

According to the developers, the proposed development will improve the street scene on Hillbrow Road, with the exiting [sic] building in their opinion being of no architectural value and adding little to the street scene. Hillbrow Road contained a mixture of dwellings types and sizes and is not defined by one single type of dwelling. The existing property is a bungalow at the bottom of a steep driveway and has been unoccupied since October 2017.

Existing front view

Hillbrow Road marks the boundary of the London Borough of Lewisham’s boundary, with the London Borough of Bromley on the other side of the road. Recently Hillbrow Road has experienced some changes, with permissions granted for developments of flats opposite the site. The most recent and relevant applications relate to Upfield, which is nearly directly opposite the site, and Sunset Hill, which is adjacent to the development at Upfield. These developments are within the Borough of Bromley. However, despite not being within the same local authority, the developments have a very close physical relationship with the site at 26 Hillbrow Road.

Bromley planning application ref. No. 19/02144/ADJ is the adjoining authority consultation by Lewisham Council on the planning application for the demolition of 26 Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL and construction of a one-storey building and 3 two-storey buildings comprising 3 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom self-contained flats, and 1 one-bedroom house, together with the provision of 2 parking spaces, cycle spaces and landscaping.