Update – 24 September 2021
However, the matter could well go to appeal, or yet another revised application could be submitted.
Update – 9 March 2016
Update – 3 September 2015
61 The Avenue, Beckenham – 19 July 2014
We understand that a developer is interested in developing this site. Details are limited to the attached PDF, but we will keep members and residents of Downs Hill fully informed of what is likely to be an important development. Further information when we get it.
A planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/CONDT2, has details submitted to discharge the conditions in relation to planning ref. 17/01955/FULL1:
• Condition 8 – Soft landscaping
• Condition 10 – Details of hard landscaping
at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5FL. A decision for planning conditions has been issued. The details are acceptable to discharge the conditions.
Update – 7 February 2021
The planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/AMD, has been approved. This is a non-material amendment to planning ref. 17/01955/FULL1 (allowed on appeal under reference APP/G5180/W/17/3186752 for the re-development of the site comprising the demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 two-storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two-bedroom flats (6 flats in total) including formation of lightwells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access) in order to –
- remove the railings and gates along the southern and eastern boundaries of the site,
- to augment the hedgerow along these boundaries with planting and
- to allow the installation of raised planters to either side of the site entrances, each containing a feature tree,
at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE.
The planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/AMD2, has also been approved. This is a further non-material amendment to planning ref. 17/01955/FULL1 in order to amend the external materials for Block A –
- to omit the decorative feature tile banding in the area of tile hanging and replace it with tile hanging as elsewhere.
Update – 25 December 2020
A planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/AMD2, purports to be a further non-material amendment to planning ref. 17/01955/FULL1 (allowed on appeal under reference APP/G5180/W/17/3186752 for the re-development of the site comprising the demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 two-storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two-bedroom flats (6 flats in total) including formation of lightwells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access) in order to amend the external materials for Block A –
- to omit the decorative feature tile banding in the area of tile hanging and replace it with tile hanging as elsewhere,
at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE.
Update – 29 November 2020
A planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/AMD, purports to be a non-material amendment to planning ref. 17/01955/FULL1 (allowed on appeal under reference APP/G5180/W/17/3186752 for the re-development of the site comprising the demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 two-storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two-bedroom flats (6 flats in total) including formation of lightwells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access) in order to –
- remove the railings and gates along the southern and eastern boundaries of the site,
- to augment the hedgerow along these boundaries with planting and
- to allow the installation of raised planters to either side of the site entrances, each containing a feature tree,
at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE.
Update – 23 December 2018
The new planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/CONDT1, with details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission ref. 16/05164/FULL1 at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE, has been approved. It relates to –
- Condition 3 – Facing Materials
- Condition 5 – Window and Door Details
Update – 21 November 2018
A new planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/CONDT1, has been made with details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission ref. 16/05164/FULL1 at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE. It relates to –
- Condition 3 – Facing Materials
- Condition 5 – Window and Door Details
The standard consultation expiry date is Monday 10 December 2018.
Update – 17 October 2018
The following condition has been approved in the planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/CONDIT, with details to discharge the conditions in relation to application 17/01955/FULL1:
- Condition 6 – Details of finished levels
at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE. The delegation report and decision are available.
Taking into account the height of the buildings shown on the drawings approved by the Inspector and the heights of the adjacent buildings, the topography of the site and the siting of the buildings it is not considered that the buildings would dominate the area (which was the reason for the Inspector imposing the condition when allowing the appeal).
Update – 13 August 2018
The appeal has been allowed on the planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/FULL, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 two storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two bedroom flats (6 flats in total), including formation of light wells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access, at 61 The Avenue Beckenham BR3 5EE. Thus planning permission is granted for the demolition of the existing house and construction of 6 flats at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE in accordance with the terms of the application dated 17 May 2017, subject to the conditions set out in schedule attached to the appeal decision dated 14 May 2018.
The conclusion is that the proposal would not cause harm to the character and appearance of the conservation area and wider locale.
Condition 6 specifies –
No development shall take place until full details of the finished levels, above ordnance datum, of the ground floors of the proposed buildings, in relation to existing ground levels, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved levels.
Details to discharge the conditions in relation to Condition 6 are the subject of a new planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/CONDIT.
Update – 8 August 2017
The planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/FULL, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 two storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two bedroom flats (6 flats in total), including formation of light wells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access, at 61 The Avenue Beckenham BR3 5EE has been refused. The decision is now available.
The proposals, by reason of the size, height, bulk and massing of the buildings, would result in an overdevelopment of the site and would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Downs Hill Conservation Area, thereby contrary to Policies BE1, BE11 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan and Policy 3.5 of the London Plan.
Update – 5 August 2017
The planning sub-committee on 3 August 2017 refused permission for the new planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/FULL, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 two storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two bedroom flats (6 flats in total), including formation of light wells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access, at 61 The Avenue Beckenham BR3 5EE.
However, the matter could well go to appeal, or yet another revised application could be submitted.
Update – 26 July 2017
The new planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/FULL, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 two storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two bedroom flats (6 flats in total), including formation of light wells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access, at 61 The Avenue Beckenham BR3 5EE is pending decision. It will be discussed at a planning sub-committee on 3 August 2017.
Permission has been recommended (see the report for the meeting), but the committee frequently does not follow recommendations. Anyone wanting to speak at the meeting (particularly those most affected) should read this to find out what to do.
Update – 6 June 2017
A new planning application, ref. No. 17/01955/FULL, was made on 27 April 2017 for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 two storey buildings with basements and accommodation in roof space, each comprising 3 two bedroom flats (6 flats in total), including formation of light wells, associated landscaping, cycle and car parking and formation of vehicular access, at 61 The Avenue Beckenham BR3 5EE. It is rather lacking in detail, but a design, access and planning statement is available.
The neighbour consultation expiry date is 27 June 2017.
The neighbour consultation expiry date is 27 June 2017.
Update – 9 March 2017
The planning application, ref. No: 16/05164/FULL1, for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 two-storey detached dwellings with accommodation in roof space, and the formation of additional vehicle access, at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE, has been granted, subject to various conditions. The decision dated 8 March 2017 is available.
Update – 20 November 2016
A new planning application, ref. No: 16/05164/FULL1, has been made for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of 2 two-storey detached dwellings with accommodation in roof space, and the formation of additional vehicle access, at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE.
The following documents can be downloaded:
- Site plan
- Materials schedule
- Landscaping details
- Site photos
- Site plan
- Site location plan
- Proposed site plan
- Floor & elevation plans
- Site survey
- Floor & elevation plans
- Tree survey or arboricultural implications
- Application form – without personal data
- A summary of the attachments in the proposal
- Design & access statement
The proposed development comprises two big houses rather than flats this time. Any comments must be made by 7 December 2016.
The appeal against the decision refusing permission for the development at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE on the planning application, ref. No: 15/02906, has been dismissed.
The main issue is the effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The proposal fails to preserve the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and is contrary to policies BE1, BE11 and H7 of the London Borough of Bromley Unitary Development Plan and Policy 3.5 of the London Plan. These policies seek, amongst other things, to ensure that housing developments are of the highest quality and are of a high standard of design that respects and complements existing buildings and areas and preserves or enhances the character or appearance of Conservation Areas.
Update – 3 September 2015
The decision refusing permission for the development at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham on the planning application, ref. No: 15/02906, is now available and can be downloaded here. The proposals, by reason of the size, height, bulk and massing of the buildings, would result in an overdevelopment of the site and would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Downs Hill Conservation Area, thereby contrary to Policies BE1, BE11 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan and Policy 3.5 of the London Plan.
Update – 28 August 2015
We are delighted to announce that last night, the council’s planning committee unanimously refused permission for the development at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham. With support from the society, local residents mounted a fierce resistance aided by Councillors Tickner and Mellor, to whom we are particularly grateful. However, it is almost inevitable that this decision will be appealed so it will be some months before the matter is finally settled.
We are delighted to announce that last night, the council’s planning committee unanimously refused permission for the development at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham. With support from the society, local residents mounted a fierce resistance aided by Councillors Tickner and Mellor, to whom we are particularly grateful. However, it is almost inevitable that this decision will be appealed so it will be some months before the matter is finally settled.
Update – 23 July 2015
A new planning application, ref. No: 15/02906, has been made for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of two new blocks, part two-storey and part three-storey, of 4 x 2 bedroom apartments each (8 new dwellings in total.); associated car parking spaces and cycle and refuse enclosures; and the formation of 2 new vehicular accesses at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE. It looks like a slightly shrunk version of the last application, and there appears to be very little difference from the previous plans that were dismissed. The following documents can be downloaded here:
A new planning application, ref. No: 15/02906, has been made for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of two new blocks, part two-storey and part three-storey, of 4 x 2 bedroom apartments each (8 new dwellings in total.); associated car parking spaces and cycle and refuse enclosures; and the formation of 2 new vehicular accesses at 61 The Avenue, Beckenham BR3 5EE. It looks like a slightly shrunk version of the last application, and there appears to be very little difference from the previous plans that were dismissed. The following documents can be downloaded here:
- Design & Access Statement
- Topographical Survey
- Transport Assessment
- Location Plan
- Soft Landscape Proposals
- Soft Landscape Proposals
- Plan List
- Application Form – Without Personal Data
- A Summary of the Attachments in the Proposal
- Site Location Plan
- Proposed Site Plan
- Block A Plans and Elevations
- Block B Plans and Elevations
- Street Scene
- Existing Site Plan Showing Trees to be Removed
- Town Planning Statement
- Statement of Community Involvement
Update – 11 May 2015
The appeal on the application for the proposed development of 61 The Avenue, Beckenham has been dismissed. The following documents sent on 11 May 2015 can be downloaded here:
- Cover letter – Russell Mellor
- Appeal decision
Whilst the scheme would not result in significant harm to neighbouring occupiers’ living conditions, it would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Downs Hill Conservation Area. Although there are matters in favour of the scheme, this proposal is not the only way in which many of those could be addressed, and they do not outweigh the harm that the inspector found. Thus the proposal is not the sustainable development for which the National Planning Policy Framework places a presumption in favour. Having regard to all other matters raised, the appeal is dismissed.
Update – 27 April 2015
The application for the proposed development of 61 The Avenue, Beckenham has been appealed. Residents can keep up to date with the progress of the appeal via this link.
The planning inspector arrived on Monday 20 April 2015. In attendance were the immediate neighbours, as well as three representatives from the developer and a representative from the Council. The inspector arrived early, which enabled him to walk around the area.
The neighbours could not make any representation, but the planning inspector agreed to visit the neighbours' houses. First there were the plans to be checked with the Council file and, on checking, it transpired the developer had sent the wrong plans to the planning inspector. It was agreed that the developer would send the correct plans.
The planning inspector and the immediate neighbours and developer representatives went on site at No. 61, and the neighbours' gardens.
Update – 27 November 2014
We are delighted to say that, following a vigorous campaign supported by Councillors Tickner and Mellor, a committee of councillors refused planning permission to knock down the property and replace it with two blocks of flats. This was all the more gratifying because the council’s own Planning Officer had recommended that permission should be given. The terms of the refusal can be found in the Decision Letter.
We are delighted to say that, following a vigorous campaign supported by Councillors Tickner and Mellor, a committee of councillors refused planning permission to knock down the property and replace it with two blocks of flats. This was all the more gratifying because the council’s own Planning Officer had recommended that permission should be given. The terms of the refusal can be found in the Decision Letter.
Update – 15 November 2014
This planning application will be heard by a plans sub-committee on Thursday 20 November in the Council Chamber at the council offices. The meeting starts promptly at 7.00 p.m. Please come to provide support to those local residents objecting to this application. The following link provides the council’s Planning Officer’s report on the matter. Unfortunately ‘permission’ has been recommended but experience shows that the sub-committee will decide for itself what is the best outcome for the Conservation Area.
Update – 16 October 2014
Here is our objection to the proposed development of 61 The Avenue, Beckenham. This is an extremely unwelcome planning application in the important Downs Hill Conservation Area. It contravenes many Policies within the UDP, ignores much of the advice given in the pre-application advice letter and generally would set an unfortunate precedent.
Update – 16 August 2014
We have just received a number of drawings for the proposed development of 61 The Avenue, Beckenham, and these and other documents can be downloaded here:
- 6383 PL 02 Proposed Site Plan
- 6383 PL 03 Block A Plans and Elevations
- 6383 PL 04 Block B Plans and Elevations
- 6383 PL 05 Street Scenes
- 61 The Avenue Beckenham Letter from Rob Earl of Consultation Matters
- L01 The Avenue Beckenham 2014-08-11 Letter from Julian Clement-Smith of RGP Head Office
A formal application is expected to be submitted to the Council shortly whereupon residents will have the opportunity to comment. We will post further information when we have it here. In the meantime, if you would like to support us in our work, please join us here.
Drawing of how one of the two blocks of the proposed development would relate to 67 Downs Hill
We understand that a developer is interested in developing this site. Details are limited to the attached PDF, but we will keep members and residents of Downs Hill fully informed of what is likely to be an important development. Further information when we get it.
Drawing of the two proposed residential buildings