Update 16 September 2021
Leaflet produced by Bromley Civic Society about upcoming consultation is available here
Update – Churchill Quarter – 6 January 2019
The application, ref. No. 18/02181/FULL1, for the demolition of 1-40 Ethelbert Close, 2 Ethelbert Road, 102-108 High Street and miscellaneous buildings to the north of Ethelbert Close, and the redevelopment of the site to provide –
- a mixed use scheme including 407 residential units;
- new vehicular access from Ethelbert Road;
- associated basement car and cycle parking;
- car parking, access and servicing arrangements at Churchill Way; and
- public realm works including Library Gardens and ancillary development;
is still pending consideration.
An addendum to the planning statement is available. Scheme amendments comprise –
- reduction in the height of Block B with the removal of one storey resulting in a maximum height across the proposed scheme of 14 storeys from podium level (16 levels including underground accommodation);
- reduction in the number of residential units from 410 to 407;
- alterations to internal layouts of wheelchair accessible flats in Block D to meet minimum space requirements for M4 3 2(b);
- additional windows included on the rear elevation of Block G to enhance residential amenity standards;
- introduction of triple glazing across the scheme; and
- amendments to Churchill Way to delineate stopping up and proposed public highway.
The standard consultation expiry date is now given as Friday 25 January 2019.
The public consultation on a draft masterplan to support the development of a large site in Bromley Town Centre has now been extended to eight weeks from 12 noon, 20 July 2018 to 12 noon, 14 September 2018.
Bromley Town Centre Site 10 Masterplan consultation – 23 July 2018
Bromley Council is consulting on a draft masterplan to support the development of a large site in Bromley Town Centre.
The site was identified as “Opportunity Site G” in the Area Action Plan, adopted in 2010, and is being updated and amended in the Draft Local Plan as “Site 10”. The masterplan will guide the location, mix and amount of development that will be expected on the site and will be a material consideration for planning applications.
Views are sought on the content of the masterplan including the location, mix and amount of development on the different parts of the site over the next 10 to 15 years:
Printed copies of the masterplan document can also be viewed in local libraries and at Bromley Civic Centre offices main reception, on request.
The consultation is open for 6 weeks from 12 noon, 20 July 2018 to 12 noon, 31 August 2018.
Please e-mail completed questionnaire forms or direct any queries to: masterplan@bromley.gov.uk or alternatively post them to: Town Centre Renewal, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, BR1 3UH.
The results of the consultation exercise will be reported to the council’s Development Control Committee and Executive for their consideration.
Update – Churchill Quarter – 15 July 2018
Comments from the Ravensbourne Valley Preservation Society for planning application, ref. No. 18/02181/FULL1, submitted on 4 July 2018 by Mr Paul Osborne, are as follows:
- The development proposal is to replace 40 current homes with 410 flats in 7-11 blocks up to 15 storeys high towering over the High Street and Library and Church House Gardens which will be 8m taller than the current surrounding buildings. This is considered to be unsympathetic to the local area and would adversely impact on the skyline, views and local landmarks of Churchill Theatre and Library contrary to Policies BE17 and BE18 (Addendix [sic] VII) of the Unitary Development Plan.
- The development is sited adjacent to a conservation area and it is considered that the proposals do not enhance or preserve character of the area contrary to Policy BE13 of the Unitary Development Plan.
- The development will adversely impact the Library Gardens by reducing the amount of available sunlight creating overshadowing contrary to Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan.
- The overbearing scale and size of the proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the amenity of occupiers of neighbouring buildings by creating noise and disturbance contrary to Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan.
See also the Bromley Civic Society flyer. The standard consultation expiry date is now given as Monday 30 July 2018.
Update – Churchill Quarter – 14 June 2018
An application, ref. No. 18/02181/FULL1, has been made on behalf of Countryside Properties (UK) Limited for the demolition of 1-40 Ethelbert Close, 2 Ethelbert Road, 102-108 High Street and miscellaneous buildings to the north of Ethelbert Close, and the redevelopment of the site (max height. 15 storeys) to provide –
- a mixed use scheme comprising 410 residential units with a mix of Use Class A1, A2, A3, B1, D1, D2 uses at ground floor (part);
- new vehicular access from Ethelbert Road;
- associated basement car and cycle parking;
- car parking, access and servicing arrangements at Churchill Way; and
- public realm works including Library Gardens and ancillary development.
The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 4 July 2018.
The application, as set out in the covering letter, comprises the following documentation:
- Schedule of Required Information (CG-1), prepared by Montagu Evans;
- Application Covering Letter (this letter), prepared by Montagu Evans;
- Planning Application Form, prepared by Montagu Evans;
- Location Plan, prepared by Stitch;
- Drawing Schedule (CG-2), prepared by Montagu Evans;
- Application Drawings, prepared by Stitch;
- Design and Access Statement, prepared by Stitch;
- Landscaping Strategy, prepared by LUC;
- Planning Statement, prepared by Montagu Evans;
- Heritage, Townscape and Visual Assessment, prepared by Montagu Evans;
- Statement of Community Involvement, prepared by Cascade;
- Daylight and Sunlight Report, prepared by GL Hearn;
- Transport Assessment (including Draft Delivery and Servicing plan, Travel Plan and Construction Logistics Plan), prepared by Mayer Brown;
- Energy Statement, prepared RPS / Mendick Waring;
- Office BREEAM Pre-Assessment, prepared by RPS;
- Retail BREEAM Pre-Assessment, prepared by RPS;
- Community Space BREEAM Pre-Assessment, prepared by RPS;
- Sustainability Statement, prepared RPS / Mendick Waring;
- Overheating Report, prepared by RPS;
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, prepared by RPS;
- Acoustic Design Statement, prepared by RPS;
- Air Quality Assessment, prepared by RPS;
- Air Quality Neutral Assessment, prepared by RPS;
- Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Assessment, prepared by RPS;
- Baseline Lighting Survey, prepared by Hoare Lee;
- Illumination Impact Plan, prepared by Hoare Lee;
- Lighting Parameter Plan, prepared by Hoare Lee;
- Utilities Report, prepared by Mendick Waring;
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Tree Condition Survey, prepared by Ruskin;
- Phase 1 Desktop Contamination Report, prepared by RSK;
- Unexploded Ordnance Survey, prepared by Dynatec;
- Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, prepared by RPS;
- Construction Method and Logistics Statement (including Demolition Method Statement), prepared by Countryside;
- Wind and Microclimate Study, prepared by Ramboll; and
- Community Infrastructure Levy Forms, prepared by Montagu Evans.
See for example the planning statement. This purports to demonstrate that the proposed scheme –
- optimises a previously developed site in a town centre location with a mixed use scheme;
- mix of uses align with the GLA and LBB objectives for Bromley Town Centre Opportunity Area and its Metropolitan Centre status as well as those of the adopted and emerging site allocations;
- reprovides commercial floorspace which will enhance the viability and vitality of the town centre;
- reprovides an increased quantum of community floorspace from that as existing on site;
- provides new business floorspace which will meet the needs of small, new start-up and creative businesses, seeking a town centre location;
- delivers high quality residential accommodation with a quantum which is both a strategic and local priority;
- provides a mix of residential units which addresses an identified need;
- includes on-site affordable housing units;
- provides S106 contributions and obligations;
- delivers high quality public realm including dedicated play space;
- results in a net gain of Urban Open Space;
- delivers a high quality design which responds to the character of the surrounding area whilst respecting Bromley Town Conservation Area; and
- provides a quantum of development in terms of bulk, scale and massing that respects the surrounding area.
See also the construction method and logistics statement (including demolition method statement). This purports to explain the sequencing of the works and the methods that will be employed to deliver a successful project in the shortest possible construction time period, and also to set out to demonstrate the commitment of Countryside Properties to a well-planned and safely executed project.
The extensive heritage, townscape and visual assessment also makes interesting reading.
Update – Churchill Quarter – 10 May 2018
The decision dated 25 April 2018 on the application ref. No. DC/18/01645/EIA, comprising an EIA [Environmental Impact Assessment] screening request, nominally for a development at 1 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB, seems to be that an EIA is not required.
Update – Churchill Quarter – 10 April 2018
An application ref. No. DC/18/01645/EIA, comprising an EIA [Environmental Impact Assessment] screening request has been made. This is nominally for a development at 1 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB, but the two documents currently available on the file:
- Appendix 1 – Ground Floor Plan
- Appendix 2 – Views Analysis
are labelled Churchill Gardens and Churchill Quarter, respectively. The following properties are affected:
- 104–108 High Street, Bromley BR1 1EY
- 102 High Street, Bromley BR1 1EY
- 2 Ethelbert Road, Bromley BR1 1JA
- Library Gardens, High Street, Bromley BR1 1PQ
- Library Gardens Public Conveniences, High Street, Bromley BR1 1PQ
- 1 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 2 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 35 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 25 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 26 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 27 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 28 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 29 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 30 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 31 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 32 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 34 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 22 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 36 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 37 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 38 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 39 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 40 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 33 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 13 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 3 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 4 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 5 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 6 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 7 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 8 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 9 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 10 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 24 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 12 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 23 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 14 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 15 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 16 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 17 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 18 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 19 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 20 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 21 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- 11 Ethelbert Close, Bromley BR1 1JB
- Land Rear of 94–96 High Street, Churchill Way, Bromley
- Part of Roadway Rear of 84 High Street, Churchill Way, Bromley
- Land Rear of 72–84 High Street, Churchill Way, Bromley
- Land Rear of 86–106 High Street, Churchill Way, Bromley
- Garage Compound, Ethelbert Close, Bromley
- Garage 1, Garage Compound, Ethelbert Close, Bromley
- Garage 11, Garage Compound, Ethelbert Close, Bromley
Update – Churchill Quarter – 26 November 2017

In response to feedback received, the developers of land at Ethelbert Close and the rear of the High Street, Bromley, which they are now referring to as Churchill Quarter, have revised the layout and scale of the development. They say this will enhance the relationship with the park and gardens. Unfortunately, residents were given no notice of a public consultation held on 16 to 18 November 2017. However, please click here to download a copy of the exhibition boards.
You may also complete the feedback form available here and provide them with your views.
We are told that Churchill Quarter will provide:
- 411 new homes including affordable homes to meet a range of housing needs;
- high quality landscaping with the historic Library Gardens cedar tree at its heart;
- new commercial space including space for local small to medium sized companies or start-ups;
- enhanced public realm linking Churchill Quarter, the High Street and Church House Gardens;
- community space to provide a new home for Bromley Town Church; and
- creation of a new cultural destination around the Churchill Theatre and library.
The 16 storey block opposite the theatre has been reduced, and both blocks have been pulled back to the boundary of Library Gardens. The proposed sale of parkland, which according to Bromley Civic Society caused so much anger and is now acknowledged as a major planning blunder by the Council, has been withdrawn. Bromley Civic Society have had no straight answer on who it was that authorised the premature sale
One of the effects of the previous proposal was the loss of the beautiful grey cedar tree, which is now being retained, albeit in a paved area to be called ‘Cedar Place’.The tallest buildings are 14 storeys in the centre, down to 7 at the edge. ‘Verified views’ in the exhibition boards are objectively measured views of the scheme from a variety of viewpoints, and purport to enable a judgement of the true visual impact of the buildings on the library and Church House Gardens.
Update – 21 July 2017
A face-to-face consultation took place in the High Street over three days, 6-8 July 2017. From 10 July 2017, the consultation as been online, and information is available at:
where you can also make your comments.
You can view a copy of the information displayed at the consultation by clicking here.
The reaction of the Friends of the Town Parks and Bromley Civic Society is here.
Countryside Properties has been selected by the London Borough of Bromley as their development partner to bring forward proposals for the first part of Opportunity Site G, which they refer to as Churchill Gardens. Please find at this link a newsletter regarding an upcoming public consultation. This initial stage of consultation will be the first opportunity for the community to find out more about design principles and emerging plans.
The first consultation event to find out more about the emerging plans and design principles for Churchill Gardens will take place at Bromley High Street, opposite the entrance to the Churchill Theatre and Church House Gardens, on the following dates:
- Thursday 6 July 2017 – 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Friday 7 July 2017 – Midday to 5 p.m.
- Saturday 8 July 2017 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Members of their team will be on hand to talk you through the initial plans and discuss your views. If you are unable to come along, the displayed information will be available on their website from Monday 10 July 2017, and you will also be able to submit your comments online:
- Email: consultation@cascadepr.co.uk
- Telephone: 020 7871 3565
- Website: www.churchillgardensbromley.co.uk