Corona Help
In the next few weeks, it is likely that we will see a great many changes because of the pandemic. It is essential that as a community we come together, with kindness and compassion, to help each other generously. As we learned today, 15 March 2020, all those over 70 years old or with underlying health issues may very soon be asked to self-isolate for a significant period and all these people, our neighbours, and others self-isolating will need help. Authorities are likely to be overloaded so it is down to those neighbours who are able to help – always remembering, that anyone could be the next person to be isolated!
At RVR, we are beginning to organise help for those who need it. To get help, please click on the relevant button below. If you can help (and, really, given the scale of the problem that we are likely to see, this means everyone who is fit and not in a vulnerable category) please click on the volunteer button.
Please note the following advice from Bromley Council:-
"Seek assistance from trusted neighbours and friends wherever possible, or reputable local charities and churches if this isn’t possible.
- Only give cash to someone you know well and trust.
- Do not give your bank card and pin number out to anybody.
- Plan in advance as online shopping deliveries currently take over 7 days to arrive.
- Consider alternative delivery services to the supermarket, such as the local milk man (who can deliver groceries as well as milk) or businesses delivering food locally such as “veg box” type deliveries.
If you or someone you know is being targeted by a scammer purporting to be aiding with home assistance, or any other scam then call the Rapid Response Team on 07903 852090. In appropriate cases, officers from the Trading Standards Rogue Trading team will attend and investigate."
Please be aware that RVR does not necessarily know all our volunteers.
More roads to come!
Volunteers please note: email addresses will be shared with others who have kindly offered tohelp to enable volunteers to co-ordinate their activities to help those in need.