Update - 22 April 2017
A decision was issued on 5 October 2016 approving various planning conditions in the application, ref. 15/02144/CONDIT, for the scheme at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL. This includes:
- Condition 3 – Landscaping
As per "Arboricultural Report" received 8th June 2016
As per Drwg No; 343/02 titled "Landscaping Plan" received 8th June 2016
However, some plants have now been planted but not in the location indicated in the agreed plan. At least two existing trees on the front boundary shown in the plan have been removed. As one resident put it:
Tiny little 6 inch twig like saplings have been planted. Not adequate at all.
We feel it particularly important that these should be replaced in order to soften the street scene.
Update - 22 February 2017
A decision was issued on 14 February 2017 on the application, ref. No. 15/02144/CONDT1, with details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission on the application ref. No. 15/02144/FULL1 for an additional flat at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL. The following conditions have been approved:
- Condition 5 (Bicycle parking) As per email received 13.2.17 and revised drawing no 343/2RB
- Condition 14 (Obscure Glazed Windows) As per email received 9.2.17 and Photograph received 11.10.16
Update - 20 October 2016
An application, ref. No. 15/02144/CONDT1, has been made with details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission on the application, ref. No. 15/02144/FULL1, for an additional flat at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL:
- Condition 5 (Bicycle storage)
- Condition 14 (Obscure glazed windows)
Update - 8 October 2016
A decision was issued on 5 October 2016 for the planning conditions in application, ref. 15/02144/CONDIT, detailing the various conditions for the scheme at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL. The following conditions have been approved:
- Condition 3 – Landscaping
As per "Arboricultural Report" received 8th June 2016
As per Drwg No; 343/02 titled "Landscaping Plan" received 8th June 2016
- Condition 6 - Lighting design
As per Drwg No; 343/02 titled "Landscaping Plan" received 8th June 2016 - Condition 8 - Tree Protection Plan
As per Drwg Ref; SH/TPP/888-003A titled "Tree Protection Plan" received 8th June 2016 - Condition 10 - Details of materials
As per Drwg No: 343/15 titled "Elevations Sheet One" received 8th June 2016
As per Drwg No; 343/16 titled "Elevations Sheet Two" received 8th June 2016
As per Drwg No; 343/17 titled "Elevations Sheet Three showing balconies" received 8th June 2016
As per Drwg No; 343/18 titled "Elevations Sheet Four showing balconies" received 8th June 2016 - Condition 11 - Surface water drainage
As per Drwg No: 8023-02 Rev A titled "Standard drainage detail" received 8th June 2016
As per Drwg No: 8023/01 Rev A titled "Drainage Layout" received 8th June 2016 - Condition 12 - Construction Method Statement
As per "Construction Management Plan" received 8th June 2016 - Condition 13 - Balcony screening
As per Drwg No; 343/21 titled "Flat 4 Balcony Detail" received 8th June 2016
Update - 31 July 2016
A decision has been issued for the planning conditions in application ref. No. 14/04139/CONDIT. This comprises details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission on application ref. No. 14/04139 at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL:
- Condition 2 – Landscaping
- Condition 5 – Tree Protection Fencing
- Condition 10 – Surface Water Drainage
- Condition 11 – Drainage Works
- Condition 16 – Lighting of Access Drive and Car Parking
- Condition 17 – Road Condition Survey
- Condition 18 – Construction Management Plan
- Condition 22 – Privacy Screening
- Condition 23 – Arboricultural Method Statement
An application, ref. No. 16/00618/RECON, to allow for alternative external materials to be used at the development of Sunset Hill has been approved.
Update - 10 July 2016
Although the development of Sunset Hill will proceed, the final details of the scheme’s appearance have not yet been decided. A further application, ref. 15/02144/CONDIT, details the various conditions for the scheme.
Residents may be particularly interested in the ‘landscaping scheme’ and the ‘Construction Management Plan’. The former will have considerable bearing on what the view from the street will look like, and the CMP will have a bearing on how the road is used during construction amongst other things.
Update - 19 April 2016
The appeal against the refusal of the application, ref. 15/02144/FULL1, for an additional flat at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL has been allowed. The appeal decision is available.
The inspector has found in this case that the proposed development would not be an over intensive form of development and would provide sufficient communal amenity space and car parking provision, and that it would not have a detrimental effect on the outlook of the occupiers of the properties facing the appeal site on Hillbrow Road. He also recognise the benefit of the provision of an additional unit of accommodation.
Update - 15 January 2016
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of the application, ref. 15/02144/FULL1, for an additional flat at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL. The appeal has now been registered and can be seen here. Residents have until 11 February 2016 to make a comment.
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of the application, ref. 15/02144/FULL1, for an additional flat at Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL. The appeal has now been registered and can be seen here. Residents have until 11 February 2016 to make a comment.
Update - 3 October 2015
Councillor Nicola Dykes spoke against the additional flat on the Sunset Hill application (already an over development) on 24 September 2015. The application was refused for the following reasons:
- The proposed development would result in an over-intensive use of the site with limited provision for communal amenity space and insufficient number of parking spaces contrary to Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan.
- The proposed balconies on the south western elevation will result in a loss of amenity to the occupants of adjacent properties contrary to Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan.
The decision is available.
Update - 15 September 2015
As can be seen from the planner's report, the planner is recommending permission on application, ref. 15/02144/FULL1. This will likely be confirmed if nobody goes to the meeting to object. You must register to speak.
As can be seen from the planner's report, the planner is recommending permission on application, ref. 15/02144/FULL1. This will likely be confirmed if nobody goes to the meeting to object. You must register to speak.
Update - 8 July 2015
Planning permission was granted on the 2 March 2015 for the erection of a part two / part three storey building comprising nine apartments on the land. A revised application for residential redevelopment has been made on Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road, Bromley BR1 4JL.
The revised application, ref. 15/02144/FULL1, purports to seek relatively minor alterations to the building to enclose previously approved terraces within the fabric of the building. This would enable the internal arrangements at second floor level to be reconfigured so as to provide one additional two bedroom apartment, making a total of ten units.
The following documents are available:
- Proposed floor plans
- Proposed indicative section
- A summary of the attachments in the proposal
- Arboricultural impact assessment
- Tree protection plan
- Tree survey plan
- Letter dated 14 May 2015 from Robinson Escott Planning
- Design & access statement
- Proposed site/ roof plan and location plan
- Proposed elevations
- Indicative street scene
- Application form – without personal data
- Tree removal plan
- Planning statement
Update - 2 March 2015
The Council decision approving the development at Sunset Hill is now available. To secure a visually satisfactory setting for the development, details of a scheme of landscaping, including the materials of paved areas and other hard surfaces, must be approved by the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of the development. We still recommend that residents should write to the Council asking that a comprehensive landscaping scheme be implemented.
The Council decision approving the development at Sunset Hill is now available. To secure a visually satisfactory setting for the development, details of a scheme of landscaping, including the materials of paved areas and other hard surfaces, must be approved by the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of the development. We still recommend that residents should write to the Council asking that a comprehensive landscaping scheme be implemented.
Update - 20 February 2015
We were sorry to note that the Council approved the development at Sunset Hill. Hillbrow Road. Bromley BR1 4JL last night. No appeal will be possible. We would recommend that residents write to the Council asking that a comprehensive landscaping scheme be implemented, in order that the ugly car park at the front of the development will be well screened from the road.
We were sorry to note that the Council approved the development at Sunset Hill. Hillbrow Road. Bromley BR1 4JL last night. No appeal will be possible. We would recommend that residents write to the Council asking that a comprehensive landscaping scheme be implemented, in order that the ugly car park at the front of the development will be well screened from the road.
Update - 17 February 2015
The council’s Planning Officer has recommended ‘permission’ for the proposed development at Sunset Hill although the final decision will be for the members of the Plans Subcommittee 3. It is vital therefore that someone attends and speaks at the meeting of Plans Subcommittee 3 at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 19 February in the council offices. If nobody goes, the councillors on this committee may draw the inference that nobody is that bothered. This is certainly not ‘a done deal’; Councillors frequently ignore the advice of their own Planning Officer, but it is very helpful if a local resident attends the meeting to give them encouragement.
A Committee Report issued on 9 February 2015 is available.
The council’s Planning Officer has recommended ‘permission’ for the proposed development at Sunset Hill although the final decision will be for the members of the Plans Subcommittee 3. It is vital therefore that someone attends and speaks at the meeting of Plans Subcommittee 3 at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 19 February in the council offices. If nobody goes, the councillors on this committee may draw the inference that nobody is that bothered. This is certainly not ‘a done deal’; Councillors frequently ignore the advice of their own Planning Officer, but it is very helpful if a local resident attends the meeting to give them encouragement.
A Committee Report issued on 9 February 2015 is available.
Update - 1 February 2015
Update - 30 January 2015In order for the councillors on the plans subcommittee to take objections seriously at the meeting on 19 February 2015, it needs a local resident (i.e. local to the development) to go to that meeting to make a three-minute speech objecting to this application. If a resident is prepared to do this, it is very likely that one of our own Bromley Town Ward councillors will go along and also make a speech in support of us.
Details of how to make a speech and lots of other information is contained in this link.
Obviously, making this speech would usually be undertaken by the Society’s Planning Officer, but we don’t have one at present! As such, the Society is limiting its involvement to coordinating and supporting local residents in making such a speech. Any volunteers?
The committee meeting date has now been confirmed as Thursday 19 February 2015 at 7.00 p.m. in the council offices (the original proposed date of 5 February has been scrapped).
Update - 31 December 2014
We have recently heard a plausible rumour that this property has been purchased by a property developer who will submit an application to the Council shortly. The history of this property is that the previous owners died some time ago and the now vacant property has become rather dilapidated and, we understand, has had people breaking into it and generally mistreating it.
We have recently objected to this application and our comments can be downloaded here. PLEASE NOTE the provisional date for this meeting to be considered by a committee of the council is Thursday 5 February 2015 at 7.00 p.m. This date will be confirmed in due course.
Update - 16 December 2014
The following documents are available:
Sunset Hill, Hillbrow Road - 13 June 2014We have just received details of a new planning application under reference 14/04139/FULL1 have for the ‘Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a part two/part three storey building comprising 9 two bedroom apartments and 14 car parking spaces’.
Details of this application can be found here.
We are currently studying this application as a matter of urgency and will update this website with our thoughts in due course. We would be very interested to hear members and residents views so please do not hesitate to contact us. In the meantime, if you wish to make comments to the council you must do so by 31 December 2014.
This application is of concern. First, important information is missing, for example how the proposed building would relate to the footprint of the existing building and secondly how the proposed building would relate to its neighbours particularly with regard to the established building line and ridge heights. We have asked the council to obtain additional information and we understand that the developer has now been asked for it.
Of particular concern is that the proposed block of flats would be unprecedented in the road. Further, Tresco Close is a natural break in the style of buildings in the road and to the north of Tresco Close the style of the proposed building would again be unprecedented. A large car park on the front garden would be most unwelcome; the road which is already in very poor condition could not bear the very significant increase in traffic that might be anticipated; it is enormous compared to neighbouring houses; many trees would be lost and the multitude of high level balconies invites noise and overlooking to the detriment of existing residents.
It also looks awful.
It also looks awful.
The following documents are available:
- Covering letter
- Application form
- Design and access statement
- Planning statement
- Proposed elevations
- Proposed floor plans
- Proposed indicative section
- Proposed site, roof and location plan
- Tree protection plan
- Tree removal plan
- Appendix A – tree survey
- Tree survey
- Tree survey plan
- Tree protection plan
- Tree removal plan
- Arboricultural report
- CIL questions
We have recently heard a plausible rumour that this property has been purchased by a property developer who will submit an application to the Council shortly. The history of this property is that the previous owners died some time ago and the now vacant property has become rather dilapidated and, we understand, has had people breaking into it and generally mistreating it.
Our immediate concern has been to protect the fine trees on the site and we are pleased to say that we have had confirmation that the largest of these are already covered by Tree Preservation Orders. In the diagram below the green dots are protected trees.
If you would like to be kept abreast of developments please contact us here.