Section 8 of the application form requires level monitoring data to be provided in support of subsidence related claims. The absence of this period of monitoring, which should be a minimum of one year, makes the justification put forward as part of this application insufficient. There is no evidence to link the pine trees to the property damage. The application subsequently conflicts with policy NE7 of the Bromley Unitary Development Plan (adopted July 2006).
Tree Friend coordinator – Monica Wiltshire – 10 Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HE
Street | Name and contact details |
Bromley Avenue / Grasmere Road | Martin Ruddick, 36 Bracken Hill Lane, Bromley BR1 4AJ |
Bracken Hill Lane and Close / Highland Road | Linda Muller, 48 Bracken Hill Lane, Bromley BR1 4AJ |
Coniston Road / Ullswater Close / Hawkshead Close | Judy Adcock, 78 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS |
Downs Hill / Crab Hill | Eddie and Euan McMaster, 35 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5ET Luis Pousada, Larchmont, Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HH Cathy Davies, 4A Crab Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HE |
Elstree Hill / Erin Close / Hillbrow | |
Farnaby Road | Pat White, 103 Farnaby Road, Bromley BR1 4BN Maureen Johnson, 69 Farnaby Road, Bromley BR1 4BN Barbara Munday, 77 Calmont Road, Bromley BR1 4BY |
Madeira Avenue | Judy Adcock, 78 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS Karen Summers, 98 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS Brian Atkinson, 94 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS |
Oaklands Road / Spencer Road | Mick Pinson, 15 Elstree Hill, Bromley BR1 4JE |
Ravensbourne Avenue | Olivia Livesey, 152 Ravensbourne Avenue, Bromley BR2 0AY Anna Koffer, 160 Ravensbourne Avenue, Bromley BR2 0AY Sandra Callaghan, 14 Ravensbourne Avenue, Bromley BR2 0BP |
Warren Avenue | John Ealey, 24 Warren Avenue, Bromley BR1 4BS Barbara Munday, 77 Calmont Road, Bromley BR1 4BY |
According to our insurance company, trees T6 and TG3 are responsible for subsidence to the property, and need to be removed.Further damage has been caused by TG4 to the main drain – the roots have caused the drains intercepter [sic] to smash, and the drains have been blocked by tree roots – 3 times in the last 9 months with raw sewage in garage)An application to reduce the canopy of T6 and TG3 was declinedExcessive shadingWe would re-plant with trees that would not not [sic] have the potential to cause damage because of roots (subsidence report, and drains report attached, and arboricultural report attached)
- The reasons for felling the tree are weak.
- The tree is not diseased or dangerous.
- The tree is not damaging the dwelling.
- The damaged wall can be replaced.
- The tree predates the current owner’s occupancy.
- No reports have been provided in support of the application.
- The yew hedge is more of a concern in [sic] with regard to the impact upon pedestrians.
- It would be detrimental to the environment to lose this tree.
- The claim that the tree is causing damage to drainage is not supported with evidence.
- It would be an act of environmental vandalism for the Council to permit the felling of the tree.
- The tree is a prominent feature of high amenity value.
I wish to object to this application to fell a tree.Note that I think the tree is a Liriodendron also called a Tulip Tree related to magnolias not poplars.The case for felling such a beautiful specimen seem weak.The tree is not diseased or dangerous.The application does not say that the tree is damaging the house.I can see that the front wall is damaged but that could be replaced with an alternative. Also taking down the yew hedge would help.The tree predates the current owners - according to zoopla the house was last sold in 2000.
The tree is noted as a good example [of the species]. The damage to the surrounding ground is most likely linked to the tree’s root activity. The public footpath appears to have been resurfaced by the Council in the past to address potential trip hazards as cracks emerge.The negative impact on the property and the public footpath are considered secondary to the importance of the tree. Possible solutions at ground level could include changing the boundary wall to a fence, installing a lintel to bridge the root flares or adding to the hedging already in situ. The surface damage to the drive can be repaired as and when damage becomes apparent. Should the uneven surface persist, a gravel based surface may be a more suitable solution.The felling of the tree would be detrimental to the character of the area and would subsequently negate the objectives of the TPO.It is recommended that the application be refused.
The felling of the tulip tree would be detrimental to the local amenities and the character of the area. The retention of the tree is considered a priority over the nuisance of surface damage at ground level. Further information would be required to support a claim that the tree is impacting the superstructure of the dwelling. The proposal is contrary to policy NE7 of the Bromley Unitary Development Plan (adopted July 2006).

An application reference number 16/05602 has been made to fell the very prominent poplar tree at 66 Madeira Avenue, Bromley BR1 4AS, right on the corner of Madeira Avenue and Bromley Avenue. We are told this is due to is roots causing significant damage to the driveway, pavement, drainage and structure. The proposal is to replant one Norway maple on the opposite boundary.
At the RVPS Garden Party on Saturday 30 July 2016, Monica Wiltshire, Tree Officer and Clive Lees, Chairman, handed a cheque for £3,000 to Councillors Nicky Dykes, Will Harmer, Michael Rutherford and Michael Tickner (left to right), London Borough of Bromley as the RVPS 50% contribution for a Community Tree Project. This was the first of two projects RVPS have run with Julian Fowgies, Arboricultural Manager for the London Borough of Bromley. It included planting 16 oak trees in Farnaby Road, 7 birch trees in Downs Hill and 2 hazel trees in Warren Avenue.

- a tangible and lasting legacy for ourselves and future generations;
- a strong working partnership with the London Borough of Bromley; and
- the fostering of community relations and appreciation from local residents.
The team with instructor Mark Byfield
More information on starting a Tree Friends group is available from this link.
The damage done by a tree tie left in place for too long
If you see one like this please report it to Bromley Council
- The trees in question are of particular importance to the character of the area.
- Trees are of high amenity value.
- The loss of the trees would impact local residents and stakeholders.
- The appended report offers no evidence that the removal of the trees would reduce the risk of subsidence.
- Material facts in relation to subsidence have not been taken into consideration.
- No assessment of heave has been made.
- No suggestion of alternative remediation.
- Lack of engineering report.
- Devastating impact of the recommended required works.
The first involved felling a lime tree in the neighbouring property and a cypress tree and laurel on the insured property. No objections were raised, as this vegetation is very close to the damaged area at the rear of the property.
- Low hanging branches from a few of the new trees in Farnaby Road will be removed to prevent them being damaged.
- All five dead trees from the Ravensbourne Avenue end of Downs Hill have been removed. They were not part of the RVPS project but noted on our end of season assessment in September.
- The dead trees outside no. 77 and no. 36 Downs Hill are to be removed and replaced as part of the contract arrangement with Gristwood and Toms.
After several issues, with the support of Julian Fowgies, Principal Arboricultural Officer, London Borough of Bromley (LBB) and Councillor Colin Smith, I am pleased to say that all 16 newly planted oak trees are alive, when a month ago we thought 3 were dead. They look in a much better condition, all with cages, ties, water bags and repaired pits. Given their dodgy start to life, the health of the trees will be monitored from now on by Carol from Gristwood and Toms (the contractors) who specialises in young tree maintenance and the next quality assessment carried out by LBB will be at the end of August to ensure all the trees are properly established. Any feedback from residents in Farnaby Road will be welcomed; please send to me at
It has been confirmed that the trees will be replanted once the tree pits have been prepared properly. We have been advised that the trees are being kept carefully in the meantime, and we will be seeking reassurance that the year’s guarantee which they come with will not be affected by all this messing about.

We were aware that the holes they sit in (the 'tree pits') had not been made/prepared correctly and that remedial action was necessary. We assume the trees have been temporarily removed to allow this to happen and are seeking confirmation of this.
Update 11 September 2014 - Farnaby Road Tree Project
The idea of this project has been very warmly received by home owners adjacent to possible tree replacement sites; Monica Wiltshire, RVPS tree officer, has visited 21 residents to seek their approval. On 2nd September Monica, Leslie Tucker and Euan McMaster met with Julian Fowgies, Principal Arboricultural Officer for the London Borough of Bromley to discuss the project. It was a very positive meeting followed by a site visit.
The programme will start with marking of the identified sites for tree pit construction for initial trial pits. The tree pit survey will begin in November with planting in January. A new tree costs around £200 dependent on species and £100 for the tree pit. If the tree dies within a year the contractor will replace it. We plan to contribute £3,000 to a total cost of around £6,000. In addition to planting new trees the project will include a general tidy up of trees, pruning as necessary and replacing diseased trees. We will be looking to plant medium to large trees, in maturity, to blend with existing trees. For example forest trees suitable for street planting like limes, oaks, maples, planes, birch and gingko will be considered by Julian and his team. A root barrier is placed around the circumference to stop root disruption.
Councillors Colin Smith, Nicky Dykes, and Russell Mellor in particular are interested in this project, and we seek our member’s views before the next RVPS members meeting takes place on 6 November 2014, when a final decision will be made. Please contact trees.rvps@outlookcom to let us know your views.

Farnaby Road showing where trees have been lost through storms and disease in what was once a tree lined road
Update 9 September 2014 - tree project
At our meeting on 6 November 2014 we will be considering spending £3000 on a project to reinstate missing street trees in Farnaby Road. Bromley Council will be match funding this with £3000 and will also be looking to replace other missing street trees in our area as part of this project. This is a substantial, but affordable, amount of money for the Society to be spending and we invite members with an opinion on the matter to share it with us on 6 November.
Update 19 May 2014 - trees in Farnaby Road
We are pleased to announce that at last we have found a new volunteer, Monica Wiltshire, to be the Tree Officer of our society. So, after a hiatus, we hope to do two things:
- Farnaby Road: having identified all the spaces and vacant tree pits we will now confirm that the owners living adjacent to these sites would be happy to have a new large tree planted there.
- Our area more generally: we will also identify where all the missing trees are in our area, and confirm that the adjacent owners are happy for new ones to be planted.
Update 19 April 2014 – new street trees
The chairman was fortunate enough to have a new tree planted outside his house as this picture shows. If you were one of the lucky ones and also now have a tree please do not forget to water it.
The way to do it is to use the curious green bag that is at the bottom of the tree as these pictures and the video show. The green bag holds 20 gallons of water which is released slowly to saturate the ground around the tree and prevent runoff into the road. Fill it up using the slit at the top.

Update 22 February 2014 – new street trees
There may soon be a possibility of the Council planting new street trees in our area. In the first instance, new trees may be planted in old, disused ‘tree pits’ like those pictured here.
If you have one of these outside your house and would like the Council to plant a new tree in it, please get in touch with us by responding to this e-mailing with the following information:
- Location of disused tree pit:
- Your name:
Do please encourage friends and neighbours to respond as well – we very much want to keep this area looking green and leafy.
At the July 2011 meeting (see home page for details) the Society will be discussing the funding of a major replanting of trees in Warren Avenue Playing Fields to happen in Winter 2011/12. If you wish to contribute to this discussion please come to this meeting.
If you value our work, and are not already a member, please join us here
Warren Avenue Playing Fields
As many members will know, these playing fields have lost a lot of mature trees in recent years and we (that is Brian Atkinson) have made heroic attempts to get them replaced. This has proved difficult, partly because while the Fields are owned by Bromley they are managed by Lewisham.
Some 7 trees have now been replaced (one shown above) but in a manner that is completely unacceptable. Some have not been staked, some are not caged. But worse, the trees were planted at the wrong time of year during an extremely hot and dry period and to compound this none of the trees have watering tubes and there has been no provision for on going watering by the contractor. Some trees started to die (within a week of planting!!) and one was blown over (see picture - because there was no stake until we installed one!) and they are only surviving now due to the efforts of the Society to keep them watered.
We understand that the cost of these trees was in the region of £1000 but we are seeking confirmation. This in essence would have been totally wasted were it not for our efforts but it is still not clear whether the trees will survive. We have contacted both Lewisham and Bromley Councillors to see who is responsible for this shambles.
Madeira Avenue
The Council has recently protected a number of trees within the circled area, which is the rear gardens of houses in Farnaby Road where they front on to Madeira Avenue. We are waiting until the trees are again in leaf so we can identify which trees exactly are protected. Note: any work to protected trees should be agreed with the Council.